2012 was one of the best years with many ups and downs, every bit unexpected and extremely thrilling. I was surprised at how much I could enjoy with family and friends. That gave a snap at the end of the year for me.I was only taught being good to everyone is essential. Never once did I believe that there was a vulnerable person inside me waiting to play her role and she made her debut in 2013. It took me close to 8 months of 2013 to figure out that vulnerable part of me which opened up and made me accept myself.
Now I am so happy and ever heartily ready to welcome 2014 knowing myself a little better than yesterday!
Above everything else, Believing myself better than ever! 🙂
Dreams for 2014
One Aim -To marry the person I love and share our lives together.
One Betterment – Embrace Fears
One Change – Vent emotions; Do not bottle up
One Development/Desire – To write everyday
One behavior to Eliminate – Negativity in me and around me
One thing to Forget – To expect from anyone
One Greater Good – Practice Anger
One Harmony – Love and Trust
One Idea – Saving Souls; Read more books
One Joyous Action – To Share and Care
One Kind Action – To Help anyone in need
One Learning to Implement- Patience;
One Motivation – To Keep Moving whatever happens; to believe in yourself.
One Nurturing Act – Join and dream along with Kids; Read books
One Optimistic Character to develop- Hope
One behavior of a Prominent Citizen – Help create awareness about Women Empowerment
One Quality to add – Acceptance of Self
One thing to Remember – You are always Loved
One Step at a Time – Backward – when ego rises and Forward – Openness
One Thought – Everyone will come and go, its only YOU who stays with yourself forever
One Unwavering Loyalty – To Hold on, To Stand by and To Believe.
One Value – Speak Less; Listen More
One Welcome Change – To Let go
One X to let go- No excuses
One Yogic Exercise – Yoga
One Zen Thought – You are born to be happy; Let no one say otherwise.
The reality! 🙂 I accept this now. 🙂