Blog Award to pals

A warm welcome to all my blogger pals,

I was waiting for the right moment to give this award to my blogger friends! Now with Diwali around the corner and I am here to present this “Entertaining Blog Award” to my blogger pals..

I would like to present this award to everybody in my list! And here comes my very special list!

1) Subash







8)Katz eyes

9)Pinay mommy online



P.S: Hey guys I’m sorry if names are left out! This award is for all my pals here!

Wishes from


About Jayanthy Govindarajan

I share the reflections of my mind here as a mommy blogger. I share my parenting experiences and life experiences with gratitude.

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4 Comments on “Blog Award to pals”

  1. Hey jay
    Thanks a lot for putting me first up there.
    Also i wish u evry happy and safe diwali.
    I hope u all always have happiness and fun filled in u r life.

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