I am again into this blog makeover craze. I am trying to modify certain elements in the blog. Looks like I am waiting for the exact cool looking background for my blog. Though there are hell lot of templates available, I am experimenting with just simple looking backgrounds so that I’ll be able to figure out the best color. I am going pink this month. Maybe till christmas. Planned for my second round of change only after Christmas. Pink has been my favorite for quite sometime and just now I am able to connect it. I wore pink dresses the entire week.. Wow!! 🙂 I am surprised. Well, I know a lot of people are into this blog makeover experiments thing. I just wanna help from you guys. How do I get rid of thedivider kind of thing between the posts??
Blog Makeover- Part1
Thanks in advance for your help guys!! 🙂
P.S: Can you comment about this blog makeover? It’ll help me make corrections. Thanks! 🙂
Take Care all..