Nostalgic #writebravely

Last October, I skipped a period. However, I thought I must wait for a couple more weeks before deciding or letting everyone know. By Diwali, it was evident and I was asked by my family to stay super cautious for the first three months of my pregnancy.

This year, my once delicate darling is not delicate anymore. She is growing up quickly. She is into her 5th month already. I just took this time to look back to the day when I started from the hospital on Day 3.

Day 3:

I was all set to move from the hospital to my mother’s home that evening with my delicate darling wrapped in pink. Though I had read so much about parenting and babies, everything in front of me was very new. I just let go of it all, completely adhering only to my little one’s schedules that she set for herself.

Though I had a normal delivery, I was so tired and couldn’t move around much. I felt as if my pelvic girdle was hanging on both ends. I even thought if Cesarean would have been a better option.

Day 9: 

We named our little one! We named her Ilakkiya! The name means, literature, or learned. It is a name applicable to Lord Lakshmi and also for Durga Devi. My husband and I selected this name for the little one.

Day 15:

We took her out for the first time for her 2 week review. I was glad she was quiet during travel. She slept most of the time during travel.

I tracked her feeding timings along with the drops prescribed for her. Some home-made medicines were also given on schedule. I felt so glad for being at mom’s home because I hardly slept in the night. I wasn’t able to move around much neither was I having a routine apart from feeding her.

1 month:

By the end of 1 month, my little girl slowly started observing her surroundings. I was surprised to see her staring at family, the only blurred images visible in front of her. 

2 Month: 

My grandmother was having a tough time with my little one. We call my granny as the “The Medicine Lady”. Ilakkiya cries when she comes in the evening, but not in the morning. These little ones, I tell you, are so smart.

3 months:

Until the end of 3 months, her sleep routine, as well as crying, didn’t stop much. She slept as wanted and she cried for almost everything. Her only mode of communication was crying, isn’t it? She was very good at that. However, I was lucky to understand her crying patterns by then and my little one is very understanding!

4 Months:

By the end of 4 months so much has changed!  She is now not my fragile baby anymore. She even fell once from the pillow on my lap onto the bed. Though that scared me so much, I was glad she was alright. She smiled and that’s when I realized how strong these little ones are. However, the one thing that still scares me is cutting her nails.

She is in her 5th month now. She recognizes my parents and my sister so well. And she rolled just a week before we started from there. Yes, I am at my in-law’s place now, as I etch this entire post. Nostalgic moments. Today’s prompt just made my day.

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About Jayanthy Govindarajan

I share the reflections of my mind here as a mommy blogger. I share my parenting experiences and life experiences with gratitude.

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25 Comments on “Nostalgic #writebravely”

  1. This is such a sweet post and a good idea to jot down memories and her growth over time. My blog was born for doing the same for my son. 🙂 Lovely quotes and poems.

  2. Lovely name- very unusual too!! Your little one sounds like the apple of your eye and you seem to be nejoying her growing years as you rightly should!!

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