British council- A pleasant place to be in

Today I went to British Council. I myself cannot believe I reached there quite early than the usual time. My friend and myself planned to meet there. The library opens only at 11 am and works upto 7pm. I was there by 10 am itself. I know its too early. But being the first time I spent my time walking there. It was well built and I enjoyed walking there. They have a beautiful garden.

Then by 10.45 am I went inside they checked my hand bag and then i got it back. I signed in the register and they gave me a ID with a rope for I am just a visitor. A member will not get something like that. Well as soon as I entered the library it was really nice. I was welcomed with a broad smile by a lady at the help desk. Then with a very pleasant atmosphere I found very comfortable furniture and sat there waiting for my friend. Till then I checked everything there. Then by 11.15am my friend came and we went through some books and magazines. Went and checked the coffee shop there. Then took some books, my friend has an individual membership card. Walked all the way out then had some spicy lunch at “The Noodle shop” and enjoyed talking for some time. Then it was already time so waved a bye to my friend and walked from there back to my home!

Enjoyed being at the library and with my friend. 😉 Had a nice time! Simply a superb day! people make it a point to check out this library. You can also check in as a temporary member with rs.200 per month as the fee. You wont be able to borrow books. Just reference is possible. Its really a nice place to spend time in!

About Jayanthy Govindarajan

I share the reflections of my mind here as a mommy blogger. I share my parenting experiences and life experiences with gratitude.

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