Monthly Challenge #1: MARCH

This post is part of my self-improvement monthly challenge routine.
I practice one good habit and incorporate it. I eliminate one bad habit and leave it for sometime/forever – one step at a time towards mindful living.

Good habit : Investing Everyday
Bad habit: Addiction to browsing/gaming

Investing Everyday:

I have always felt March to be the month of Money!


I mostly make money decisions in the month of March. My mother is an Insurance Consultant in the LIC of India. This month is the financial closure month for her. I have observed her decisions over the past few years and finally come up with a monthly saving idea.

The idea is simple and that’s why I am following it! 😉

STEP 1: Put Rs.1 in your piggy bank on day 1.
STEP 2: Put Rs.2 on day 2.
Add money according to the days till you reach Rs.30 on day 30.

Follow this chart.

You can use this chart with varied amount per your convenience.

By the end of the month you will have Rs.465, if you follow my method.

Most likely you will have the change in the piggy bank itself. Happy saving!

Addiction TO browsing:

I browse without being aware that I am wasting my time on the Internet. I have cribbed a lot due to this in the past one month. I feel my attention is on the phone even when my family is interacting with me.

This has caused me headaches and severe deadline crunches in the past one month. Above everything, I have lost my sleep and my sleeping pattern is becoming pathetic. It’s very important to have a good night’s rest to have a good day ahead. It’s very tiring in the day when i miss my sleep and I play games on my phone non-stop to prevent moving out of bed. This has lead to enough stress and I have started to binge on food and snacks more in the past one month. I guess it’s time to change!

All the best to me! 🙂

I challenge myself and push me out of the comfort zone before someone else can do that to me.

I want to live life to the fullest at every opportunity! 

About Jayanthy Govindarajan

I share the reflections of my mind here as a mommy blogger. I share my parenting experiences and life experiences with gratitude.

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