
Image Source: Google
A sense of calm flushing over me,

A sense of silence flushing over me,

A sense of nothingness making me feel free,

A sense of accomplishment making me feel light.

Like a ray of light that enters a broken window,

Like a raindrop on a parched land,
Like the freshly grown first leaf of a long planted sapling,
Like the first smile that spreads in seeing the person we love.

Like that first teardrop that comes out in joy,

Is this called HOPE? 🙂

Patience is the key to 
many things in life, almost everything. 
Before it is the sense of trust and commitment,
 And above all is FAITH! 🙂
Excited, yet all I could do is SMILE! 🙂

About Jayanthy Govindarajan

I share the reflections of my mind here as a mommy blogger. I share my parenting experiences and life experiences with gratitude.

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