Day 4 – Give a compliment to someone!

 Day 4
Day 4 – Give a compliment to someone!
Find my Day 1 post here.
Find my Day 2 post here.
Find my Day 3 post here.
A very nice challenge, I am thinking this would be to my school friend, Kindergarten, she called my mobile yesterday and found that i was not feeling well and that I have taken a few days off from work. She spoke with my father since he took my mobile yesterday. I would personally ping/text her because a friend like her is sure a treasure! 🙂
This reminds me of the discussions about relationship with T and figured out two important points we figured out for us
1) We continue to do what we do
2) We share everything with each other and resolve if any issues arise too, without the interference of a 3rd party. – I did this mistake once and I have definitely put myself in a critical solution too. At least now I understand that! 🙂
#GratitudeNow with Kevin Buchanan

About Jayanthy Govindarajan

I share the reflections of my mind here as a mommy blogger. I share my parenting experiences and life experiences with gratitude.

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