This gate should be very familiar to any Chennai-ite. A prime landmark to many was once my adobe!
Yes, this is where I had spent most of my days for a whole of 14years.
My school days were damn tooooooooo good.. It was such an awesome Xperience studying in tat school.. Right from my kindergarten days I spent my time in tat beautiful school collecting flowers, playing with friends, singing hymns and participating in a few events organised.. 14 yrs of school life meant mainly-”fun”,”fun” and “fun”.. The last yr of my school life was complete fun(no adulteration),coz we were a gang of 18 together in most ventures(representatives of the school!!),we succeeded in many things and also lost in many things.. In all things, we were together.. Now I am in my college final yr, but still I am eager to meet all my friends in occasions tat I get.. Our main gathering was during our School sports.. Once I meet all my friends in school we become the Cheer Leaders (St.Katherine’s – red, St.Tresa’s – blue, St.Joseph’s – green, St.Cecilia’s – brown) and my house in RED.. I find so much energy as soon as I enter my school.. The gates always remained open to us Especially when I find old frendz remembering me and coming all the way to give hugs, my eyes were filled with tears and I had their favourite 1km smile(tats how I was called too).. The way I used to jump when my house wins and the number of congrats tat I got during my school sports are flashing upon my inward eye.. But at the same time I had most of the heartfelt moments in school.. Oops…. I am in my college now typing this entire stuff interrupted by a student…
Writing this I am now eagerly waiting for the children’s day celebrations tat will be there throughout the second week of November(hiya!!! its gonna be great :)) My staffs were coooooool and still are the same(in school)…