In the world of eternal planning, some things happen unplanned. My pregnancy is one such. Well, it is true that plans fail, I can guarantee that protection also fails sometimes. My sweet little pie is now 10 month old. She is one of the precious gifts and I am glad about how my unplanned pregnancy is one of the best things to have happened and feels like the easiest period till date. I have been thinking to write this for quite a while and finally decided to type on whenever I can about my pregnancy journey and here it is!
When I sit down and think how it all happened, I laugh at the only perfect thing in my life. Yes, it was my periods. The monthly cycle that follows the 28 day routine without any distraction. It comes and goes and there isn’t much to say about it. Guess what, it came perfectly on the day of my reception too. So when it didn’t turn up the next month, I was overly curious. We all know, Indian families! My mother-in-law was already over the moon and so were my parents. I wasn’t really sure because I just missed a period. I wasn’t even throwing up and longing for green mangoes as shown in every movie. Anyway, I was apprehensive about the whole thing. We really didn’t expect an early pregnancy and this wasn’t just early, but quick too.
Another fortnight went by and still no sign of my periods. I convinced myself that I must be pregnant. Trust me, I didn’t feel a thing except disappointment. The husband and I were like, “Oh my god! That was quick!” When we met our family doctor, she asked me to take a scan. We found from the results that I was 48 days pregnant. The husband and I laughed at each other, all for so much planning. I was asked to take Iron folic and was even told it was already late. I was also told that I must have started it once I was married. Okay, I was married for almost 2 months then, and looks like I was already pregnant for the most part of it. How do you think I would have even known and with all the planning I did? Lucky that I wasn’t advised to have started the course once my wedding date was finalized. Anyway, the never consistent me, for once started the course as advised and strictly followed a routine.
The First Trimester
In the first trimester, I learned that pregnancy was a period of answering a lot of questions to which one really didn’t know answers. Everyone tried to understand my pregnancy when I was actually questioning myself how I became pregnant! It took me almost 6 months to shift from denial to acceptance. Feelings of uncertainty flooded my mind and I was engulfed in unknown fear. Now, I know it was the newness of pregnancy and the responsibility it would bring that made me wonder about it so much. The Husband was convinced quickly about my pregnancy, but I couldn’t. It slowly changed only when I felt my tiny bump.
Until 3 months, I was strictly advised not to climb stairs or sit cross-legged on the floor. Well, that was the only thing I did for the first 3 months. Climbing up and down everyday for almost 5 to 10 times was a common thing for me. At home, we usually sit down and have dinner. I made it a point to have my breakfast, lunch and dinner that way. Most people don’t really find out they are pregnant until 3 months. So I never trusted these rules. I just believed in being active throughout. I even joked around saying I am now more interested in pregnancy stories rather than “You know How we fell in love” stories. Anyway, it’s a mood shift and the curiosity of how it all happens.
By the beginning of month 3, the only thing I longed for was not being questioned about my feelings. I hardly knew why I was angry or sad or upset. Forget spending time to reason them out. When the husband questioned me about why I am like this or that, I asked him when is he leaving for a business visit! Okay, truly, the last thing I wanted was to be questioned. Though it was pure care, I couldn’t end up figuring out why I felt what I felt then. Lets simply call it pregnancy mood swings. Girls understand this easily you know, some guys don’t! And mine, was a baby at that then! Anyway, pregnancy was a good chance for him to understand that I can go from the “Yay-I-Love-You” to “I am going to kill you now” moment in a matter of seconds. When he went on a business visit for 2 weeks, I didn’t miss my husband and he realized it. We still joke about it. Those two weeks all I did was sleep, wake up, help a bit in cooking, if there were clothes to dry, I would do it, hardly eat, sleep again.
Every bit of my first trimester gave me goosebumps. I googled every minor symptom and was worried at everything I read. The one sane advice would be not to google your pregnancy. Some friends were pregnant and all we ever did was chat about our feelings with each other and come to a conclusion that we are actually having a normal pregnancy. By the end of month 3, I was questioned with “how are you dealing with morning sickness” I was like what was that? Almost everyone asked me, “How many times did I throw up each day?” I actually didn’t. I was confused because I hardly felt like it even though I couldn’t bear certain smells. Groundnut oil was one that made me run away from the house. In turn, everything was cooked in ghee just for me *thankful*. Actually, ghee was a neutral thing for me. My big nose only attracted what I really didn’t like! I could smell gas leakage right away and if someone smoked on the road even a house away from mine, it bothered me. Oil and cigars generally bothered me, it bothered me so much more during pregnancy. Oh, and that complete dislike for rice, I hardly had rice. A small cup was too much. I lived on fruits, veggies, Non Vegetarian starters and ice creams. *Secret foods* Pani Puri, bhel puri, dahi papdi chaat and kheers!
The one thing I had enough and don’t know when and how it happened was “Sleep”. I slept most mornings, afternoon naps were mandatory and I never missed night routines. I was lucky I had an understanding mother-in-law and my mom who let me be. I don’t usually sleep in the afternoon, but pregnancy made it a must for me. I hardly watch TV. So I turned to books. I have read books from morning to evening without moving an inch, but during pregnancy I slept by page 3(irrespective of the genre). The only book I read was “What to Expect” and I made sure that I read only for the month that I was in. Didn’t I tell you I hardly got past 3 pages? A monthly read up was too much for me then. If I wasn’t sleeping or eating or overthinking, I actually dressed up and had baby showers. They are usually held at month 5, 7 and 9. It started from month 5 at mom’s. Month 7 at mother-in-law’s and month 9 combined. This month my bump was visible and I went from size S to M.
Since summer was due in a couple of months, I bought sizes M and L because I wasn’t sure how my tummy will grow. P.S: I didn’t dress up this well when I read the book though!
Pregnancy is generally a happy period minus the mood swings and advises and numerous questions. I traveled very less to my mother’s place during my entire pregnancy since my Gynecologist was just a street away from my mother-in-law’s place. Even then the days I visited my mom, I only lay on the bed from morning to evening drained of all energies. My lovely memory failed me many times. I forgot so many things. I even forgot my walking round counts. Okay, don’t laugh. I was easily confused and I called myself the muddle-head. Blame it on the hormones!
Didn’t I already tell you I write only when my little one sleeps? I bet you remember that! If not, make a note of it! She woke up and would crawl her way to my laptop soon! Bye! C’ya in next part!
I immediately loved it by the title itself.. that’s what I always do:) great post
Pregnancy is a funny time. Lol that is true I could cry in tears – and then perhaps kill too.
Thanks so much Rashmi.
Haha. I know, they are pregnancy superpowers!