Suganda’s Antioxidant Face Serum Review

Hello Again!!

I am Jayanthy Govindarajan, author of Jayanthy’s Free Space! Thank you, if you still remember me after being away for some time now. In case you still cannot process my name in your mind, let’s start over again! 🙂

Either way, welcome again to my blog!

I know it has been quiet for a bit now, but I’d love to tell you that I’m working with the design again. It’s been two busy months, and I just changed my host. I had to go through a lot of changes – technically and emotionally, so processing all of it has not been easy for me! I understood the start of the year is not the right time to change the contract.

Well, I wanted to write about an important product here. This is my review based on my experience with the product. I am excited because, after my Simply Pimply story, this is the second post where I talk about my acne journey in my blog.  This happened because, for almost 7 years, I did not use any skincare product much and let my skin be.  After following Suganda and their journey for 6 months now, I was ready to try them. I received their Antioxidant Face Serum to try and share reviews. Honestly, they asked me to be honest with my reviews. That’s a good start, isn’t it?

Let’s check out the product.


After reading yesterday’s post you must be better aware of why I’m raving about Suganda products.

After following them for almost 6 months now, I have read a lot of reviews on this platform and other platforms. I’ve decided by some honest reviews from blogger friends, Krupa and  Uma. We have the same skin type, almost.


Oily + Acne-Prone + Sensitive


I’m 32 now. So, for about 17 years now I have dealt with acne. Right through my teenage years to facing adult acne, I’ve seen both.


First and foremost, it is the ingredient list. After seeing lots of chemicals especially parabens, sulfates, acids, and alcohols which I’m not aware of why it is in it, I’ve found this minimal list entertaining.

The simple ingredient list and detailed information available on their website and all over the Internet, helped me decide easily.

I have paid lots before for nothing and from my father’s pocket. Now, I didn’t want to simply throw more money again. So, honestly, I thought twice before buying these. Now, I can confidently say it is a wise investment.

So, here’s the list.

Vitamin C:

? It helps in repairing the damaged skin cells. It helps in the regeneration process. In simple terms, it aids in healing the skin.
? I remember using Vitamin C tablets on my face back in time just because someone told me it will heal my acne. ?‍♀️
? After reading a lot, I understood it is one of the most essential vitamins for glowing skin.
? Vitamin C increases collagen production, reduces skin discoloration and enhances the repair process.
? It could rarely irritate the skin, mine is a sensitive kind. It didn’t irritate mine. So I could confidently say it would be better on most skin types.
?This main ingredient in the #antioxidantfaceserum assured me my skin would feel better.
? Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate is a stable and water-soluble form of Vitamin C.
? Helps in brightening uneven skin tone.


I read a lot about how Gotukola and I want to share my exploration here.
? Rebuilds the nervous system and helps reduce anxiety and stress. It helps in healing wounds and scars. Also, it is a cerebral tonic and the perfect remedy for the regeneration of connective tissues.

? Relieves skin lesions associated with leprosy and acts as a valuable wound healing agent.

? An adaptogen that helps in balancing and harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit.

?As Indians, we all know the amazing properties of Turmeric for the skin.

? It has natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and helps to keep bacteria from spreading.
? It protects the skin against skin damage, aging and also reduces dark circles and dark spots.

Hyaluronic Acid

?It helps retain water to keep your tissues well lubricated and moist.

? Promotes healthier skin.
? Heals wounds quicker


? Good for oily skin since it helps moisturize my skin.
? Soothes oily skin and helps reduce inflammation.

Kashmiri Lavender Oil

? Known as the best in the world and devoid of adulteration, it is known for a sweet aroma.
? A good percentage of Linalool and Linalyl Acetate are present in this oil. It helps in relaxing and soothing the skin and mind.
? It helps in skin regeneration.


It’s been three weeks now since I started using the face serum. Since I don’t use any moisturizer, I used to apply around 6-7 drops on my face and massage it for a minute. I followed this only in the mornings for one week since I wanted to take it slow. For the next weeks, I followed it two times – morning and night or morning and evening. It’s 3 weeks now, I feel my skin is softer and calmer than before. My forehead used to have deep scars, but now it has lightened.

My cheeks have lots of scars and pigmentation. Right now my focus is on these. There’s a slight difference only, but I know it would take some more time for me. I have deep scars and it needs a lot of healing. For 3 weeks, I feel a nice change in my skin tone and that’s a big hit.


Love them to bits. I was glad to share my journey with my family and friends. A couple of my family members trusted my reviews and we did a haul together.

So, I honestly trust this product. Though I received the Anti-oxidant face serum for review, I must say I am impressed and that’s why I hauled their PRODUCTS.

I’m not having mixed opinions, I have one straight thought about them and they are genuine products you could trust.

I went ahead and purchased their White lotus moisturizer now to help me with better results.

I love their products, in case you still didn’t figure it out. This works for my skin in a better way and I’m going to carry them wherever I go. I’m not a make-up person, still, this is the first product that had helped me set a skincare routine.

Since it’s easy to apply and easy to use plus it offers results better than my expectations, I’m trusting this product to help reduce my acne scars. I will post skin updates regularly.

♥️♥️♥️♥️? 5/5 – A heartbreaker for sure

A bit expensive is the usual take, but for me, it’s worth the investment. I can guarantee it will last for 6 months easily. So do the math!

About Jayanthy Govindarajan

I share the reflections of my mind here as a mommy blogger. I share my parenting experiences and life experiences with gratitude.

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