The Voices and Choices

Image Courtesy: Unsplash

Every time I push a few boundaries
I wonder if I am doing it right
I don’t know to stand by it
That’s my absolute fright.

Standing alone doesn’t scare me,
I’ve been doing it a long time now
Still, when a soul is kind,
I take the liberty to share my mind.

That’s my scary bit
My overwhelm gives a fit
Now I’m aware of my flaw
I must learn to withdraw.

Listening never hurt anyone
It’s a way of choosing kind
Just respect thoughts and let them be
Sadness must be felt before it is healed.

When I learn to respect my boundaries
I learn to respect others boundaries better
That breaks a lot of expectations,
And brings the dear ones near.

We all have a journey together
Where we can stand by each other
Only when we learn to give due respect,
To the voices and the choices we make.

About Jayanthy Govindarajan

I share the reflections of my mind here as a mommy blogger. I share my parenting experiences and life experiences with gratitude.

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6 Comments on “The Voices and Choices”

  1. What a beautiful, soulful poem, Jayanthy! So much truth expressed in these words. I would love to read this poem again and again. Do write more poetry, Jayanthiy. 🙂

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