You are getting close

Share a feeling or two with me,

It will make you feel free,
Clouded it gets in there,
Bottled emotions really scare!

Do you wonder you have no one to share your feelings with?
Do you wonder you will not be heard?
Do you wonder you will be looked down at?
Do you wonder if all that you think is normal?
Do you wonder if it will be a mistake?
Do you wonder if you will be called a failure?
Do you wonder if guilt will kill you?
Do you wonder if past mistakes and regrets are the reason for the present unchangeable life?
Do you wonder if regrets are the only ones left to hold on to?
Do you wonder you don’t understand worldly ways?

Don’t be afraid,
You are not alone!
You are very lucky in every way,
With pain comes wisdom,
For your search is for freedom.

You are getting closer to God,
You are getting ready for his task,
The purpose of your birth and journey so far,
The one that was lost in the process of trying to understand worldly ways,
Now, the time has come to redefine yourself to understand your higher purpose on earth.

Close your eyes,
Sit with folded hands,
Talk to God,
Ask your doubts,
He is ready to answer,
Tell your fears,
He is waiting for you to truly see the world just the way you want to,
He is here to remove the web of fears and make you believe in yourself even when the whole world is against you,
He is waiting for you to ask,
So it will be answered.

Wisdom comes with questioning,
First Self then rest,
Answers will come to us when we open our mind and accept ourselves for everything we are,
Our acceptance of self is more important than the world’s acceptance.

Everyday is a new life,
Everyday we need to decide what should be taken forward and what should be left behind,
Everyday we need to understand we are here to help,
Everyday we should be grateful for both the good and bad,
If not for the wisdom we would not be able to know the difference.

Appreciate life!
God will appreciate you!
When you know you are here for a purpose,
strive to know it first,
Believe it and work on it till your last breath! 🙂
You are the seed for the good things to come! 😀

About Jayanthy Govindarajan

I share the reflections of my mind here as a mommy blogger. I share my parenting experiences and life experiences with gratitude.

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