As much as I wanted to take her on all days of Navrathri, I couldn’t do it this time. I enjoyed watching her eat puffed rice straight out of the banana leaf. She joined me in my venture to a temple near home and loved walking inside it. She always wanted to sit down a bit by the end of the rounds and then she kneels down and bows before the God. That’s adorable and I just watch her do it with so much sincerity. I would just want to pick her and kiss her.
I am blessed and I can never do without them. I was a very reserved person with family during my school and college days. I am glad I opened up to them later and happy for the situations that made me so. Though I regret some of my early life decisions, I am truly happy to have such supportive parents and a darling sister. They have been my shoulder to cry in my toughest times. As much as they have shared their thoughts about my mistakes, they have also encouraged me to move forward and be ME all over again.
I am also learning to make peace with many mistakes of mine and others. So, this is a new phase where I am in a position to understand that everyone makes mistakes. It is important to convey our disappointments as suggestions and with respect so that it helps make the relationship better. I am learning to put myself in their situation, even though I know I wouldn’t do something like that. It breaks my ego and helps me find a solution which I otherwise worry about and complaint.
Writing and Reading
I wrote two posts on the blog. Though I had planned 5 for the month, I only accomplished two. I am glad I wrote those two apart from my September Gratitude List. I must say I learn a lot while I write my posts. I also took a lovely break from Social Media last month. I will tell you why soon! I did a little bit of reading. Overall, my writing, reading and Social Media was very limited in October.
Since I was in Bangalore for a week, I had a lovely time reading Children of India by Ruskin Bond. I cherished what I read. Though I completed the book only during early November, I read those stories in the calmness of the room in Bangalore. Those sent me back to sweet memories of Bond’s early days.
With Ilakkiya growing day by day, it seems like I need deep reserves of Patience, quick paces and eyes on all sides. She is a curious little girl who wants to know everything and follows everything we do. The other day I was doing my breathing exercise with eyes closed while the little one was turning side to side. When I opened my eyes and looked at her, she was busy doing Pranayam herself! 🙂 So, as much as I am worried about her, I am also getting this awareness of what I say and what I do. It’s like someone is watching you all the time! Definitely my screen time is reduced a great deal and I am glad about it. I have finally realized that these are my moments to cherish with her and even though I get too bored when I spend a whole day with her, the next day is all new and I am happy to switch my routine in a better way.
Slowly, I am working on small projects with care. I am not bothered about how many projects I have in hand. It is about how much effort I put into what I have and how to make it better. Slowly, I am understanding what it means to DO YOUR WORK.
I couldn’t wait to type this. Still, I saved the best for the last. The Husband was here and we spent two weeks together! It is still like a dream. One week in Chennai and one week in Bangalore. Wow, it was like a dream come true. I planned so much for his birthday this year from the beginning, but he traveled right after our second anniversary and my plans never mattered to me after that. At last, to my surprise, we spent his birthday at an unbelievably calm place with good food and much longed family time. For this, I feel blessed.
Though, he had told me he would visit home soon, I did not believe it. New project and confusions go hand in hand. Project people decisions and decisions from the company ought to be similar for the travel to happen. After lots of workarounds, I am glad that travel resolved a couple of their issues. I couldn’t deny the fact that I missed him a lot. We spent time in Bangalore like we haven’t spent time in two years. I must agree this was such a nice time spent together.
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