32 Random Quirks that Intrigue Me #Lifeasis

It is that time of the week again where every nerve in my body wants to write. My heart and soul long to sit at that writing nook and type away amidst the silence of the house. Even as I shiver in the middle of the night as I type this, there is a strange calmness within me that encourages me to continue writing. Hence I resolved to share a few random quirks about me that intrigue me.

1. I don’t force myself to sleep. If sleep eludes me, so be it. I will wake up, do something that’s stopping my sleep, then go to bed. Today, it was writing. At other times, it could be eating, so I wake up and eat something. Other times, it could be nothing, so I wake up and do nothing and then go to bed and I fall asleep naturally. I don’t let myself think too much when it comes to sleep, especially the number of hours that I get to sleep. Excuse me, I am a mother to a toddler, I still get some sleep hours and that’s what counts for me.

2. I am allergic to smoking and cannot tolerate smokers in my vicinity. I get a mild headache when someone smokes around me.

3. Earlier I was startled by kids, now I am startled by adults. Nowadays, I enjoy the time I spend with kids though I am easily exhausted after a few rounds (4 jogging rounds within the community!) of playing with them. They make me think better.

4. I love talking over the phone with few people, but that’s mostly limited edition.

5. Lock me in a room and go and I will not be bored at all. I love to stay inside, so it is nice to spend time during this lockdown. Not a big difference for me while I worked too. I spent my weekends at home.

6. I am now an ardent fan of cooking. It is interesting since I have started to enjoy the whole process. I am still not a great cook but will grow to be one soon.

7. I do not like to grow long nails. I do not like styling my nails. To me, styling my nails mean cutting them every week in a shape that fits my hand.

8. I have no sense of style, which is my style statement. I have learned to sincerely thank people who compliment my style because they see something that they like. I’ve been receiving a bunch of compliments for my hairstyle right after I shaved my hair. What I cannot decode is why I am being called brave for this! I hope there is some good reason behind it.

9. Irrespective of my hair length, I spend only the time required to do what it takes to tame my hair. If you feel my hair is soft and long enough to plait a fishtail braid or a french plait every day, I will tell you that my lazy bones wouldn’t care a damn about the lecture. I will hand my hair to you during an occasion to try what you want, but I am not doing it. Oh, yeah, call me lazy, and I am perfectly fine with it. I cannot spend an extra hour removing the tangles or searching a hundred hairpins that cannot hold my hairstyle in place. For my present style, all I do is comb it. No, I don’t mind the pins or the strange length of the hair. A pixie cut is just that, so I let it be.

10. I am sadly an intense person, either I do too much or do nothing. For a sample, during college, most of my dresses were the shade of blue. Most times, if a dress was washed and pressed(both of which I never did), I would wear it again the same week(only because I don’t remember, didn’t you read point 8). At times, you would think if I had just two dresses in my wardrobe! If I like something, I will wear it over and over again.

11. I am neither a coffee person nor a tea person. I cannot take more than a sip from a hot mug of the best coffee. If I am sipping a cup of coffee or tea till the last drop, it is either the cold weather or something is brewing on my head.

12. Being a Gemini, most of the time, I am presumed to be lightheaded, mysterious, and whimsical, which is fine. Remember, we have two sides, the deeper side manifests, only when I could build a strong connection with someone. I do not flirt, it is just floating, till I grasp you are worth diving for.

13. I am not scared of apologizing for my mistakes. If I have hurt someone with or without my knowledge, I bend down and apologize. There is no turning back on that, irrespective of the age. I never make apologies for granted. I have made annoying mistakes in the past, but I always give myself a second chance to correct myself.

14. I cannot tolerate someone close digging a grave for me. The good part is my gut instinct is strong, though it is my mind that ignores it. The bad part is I would have realized much before you, so even though my mind would want to put you in the grave before I flee, I would listen to my heart and fly away without turning back to look at you. I strongly believe in Karma since I have learned it the hard way too.

15. You will find me laughing a lot and crying too. I talk and share everything right out of mind(sometimes mostly unedited) which could be silly to you. Be aware, since the tagline of my blog already states that I share the reflections of my mind here in this space. I dedicate the honesty in my posts to the late nights before I hit the bed and to the early mornings when I wake up from it. So, just take what you like(if at all you like anything, that is!) and leave the rest(to die in peace here!).

16. I am not a perfectionist or an OCD person. Well, if you have continued reading right after this statement, welcome to my friend zone! I don’t have the most organized space, yet I don’t live in the dirtiest lot either!

17. If I like or admire someone, then be sure to be showered with calls out of the blue and lots of texts too! I would occasionally call just to say a Hello and to know how you are doing! It feels nice talking to friends and I enjoy knowing more about acquaintances. I would check your status and let you know if I enjoy it, at times even if it is day after day!

18. I dream a lot about sewing, stitching, gardening, and baking, but have failed in my attempts at it miserably. So I have kept it for trial some other time.

19. I have anger issues and it affects my mood a lot. Reiki, taichi, and exercising help to keep it at bay. If I am breathing with my eyes closed at one corner, then it means I am trying to calm myself down.

20. I can easily sleep in my jeans and top without complaining one bit about the weather. While I can sleep in the heaviest clothes, I cannot sleep even with a small hairpin in my hair. I am sensitive to it.

21. I have become liberal once again because of my daughter. She often enlightens me on how to take things easy especially for the things she does.

22. I love stationery stuff and journals. If there’s one gift that doesn’t tire me(to give and get), its books(all kinds!) and pens.

23. I enjoy fixing around the house for hours, only now I don’t get the time to do much activity that worries me. Otherwise, I would silently take a corner, wash the bicycle or bike every two weeks just to keep myself busy. Sweeping the house is my most favorite activity around the house.

24. If I am focusing on something, then I cannot hear what someone is telling me. There was a time I had scattered thoughts and it worried me a lot. Now, it is all about focus, and I do not like it when anyone disturbs my focus. I wish I respect when others focus on their tasks equally too.

25. I talk too fast which is my normal speed. I’ve noticed people staring at me while I talk. No, not admiration, they hardly understand what I talk. I just know one person who talks faster than me, it is Soumya Prasad. It was surprising and nice to talk with someone who talks at the same pace.

26. Some days I hardly watch Television. On others, I could watch movies or shows for a whole day. It has reduced now due to the little one. I have now started watching more kids shows and movies.

27. I can hurt people easily with my words, but I am the one to regret speaking like that. I’d rather be quiet than sorry sometimes.

28. At times, I feel that I want to avoid people from my life, but I allow them back for the good times I have shared with them. Once the chances are over, I cut them out ruthlessly from my life.

29. If I am angry with you, I will talk like I am going to kill you any moment. If I love you, then you are going to see me caring for you like the tigress in Kungfu Panda. Sometimes I don’t smile if I really care about you, I am strict with my family because I love them too much. Maybe I took it after my dad.

30. I am scared to watch horror movies. I am scared of paranormal activities. Nowadays I refrain from ghost stories too, I don’t like gory acts. That’s one genre I cannot try even for a bet.

31. I love to play Badminton. I can play for hours together with anyone willing to play it with me.

32. My one childhood dream that I want to accomplish before 35 is to learn to swim.

I wanted to write this before my birthday(33) this year and I am glad to have accomplished it because of the lockdown. If there is one subject that I am interested in writing about, it is me! I hope you enjoyed reading about my quirks as much as I enjoyed writing about it. I would love to know any random quirks about you here.

About Jayanthy Govindarajan

I share the reflections of my mind here as a mommy blogger. I share my parenting experiences and life experiences with gratitude.

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6 Comments on “32 Random Quirks that Intrigue Me #Lifeasis”

  1. Hey! I loved knowing about you. This was a fun post. Some things were sure unique to read – like I need to get to my minimal clothing to sleep, can’t sleep in a jeans at all. ?
    And yes – Soumya is a fast talker. The first time I met her, I was impressed. My speed for sure would be a tortoise ? Take care, Jayanthy. This post left me smiling.

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